Time, Climate Change, Global Racial Capitalism and Decolonial Planetary Ecologies
The Bartlett Climate Curriculum Working Group
"Time, Climate Change, Global Racial Capitalism and Decolonial Planetary Ecologies" is recommneded by the Bartlett Faculty Climate Curriculum Working Group.

Cover of Time, Climate Change, Global Racial Capitalism and Decolonial Planetary Ecologies published in 2022.
About the intricate interplay of time, ecology, and global racial capitalism
Edited by Anna M. Agathangelou and Kyle D. Killian, this thought-provoking volume delves into the intricate interplay of time, ecology, and global racial capitalism, inviting readers to reimagine the planetary and ecological landscapes.
Drawing on diverse perspectives and debates, the book navigates the complexities of the Anthropocene era, climate change, and human agency. Through a series of incisive chapters, contributors challenge conventional notions of time and ecology, shedding light on the anxieties and uncertainties surrounding environmental degradation and climate crises.
The volume brings forward critical dialogues on temporal structures, climate justice, and the decolonisation of ecological narratives. By amplifying the voices of marginalised communities and foregrounding anti-colonial and decolonial perspectives, the authors confront hegemonic paradigms and propose radical alternatives.
From discussions on rising temperatures and environmental crises to reflections on racialised climate struggles and global governance, the book offers a nuanced examination of the entanglements between ecology, capitalism, and power dynamics. The book highlights the urgency of rethinking prevailing notions of conquest and control in the face of planetary uncertainty.
The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal, Globalizations.
This reference was recommended by the Bartlett Climate Curriculum Working Group.
The working group serves as a collaborative platform for staff, students, and professional services staff from the 13 institutes and departments within the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. Participation in the group is voluntary, with a focus on gathering recommendations for resources that explore the intersectional and multidisciplinary aspects of the climate emergency and social justice. Despite the global nature of the climate crisis, its social repercussions disproportionately affect marginalized communities, highlighting the urgent need for action. The list of recommended references is continuously expanding through collective efforts. Bartlett Alternative acknowledges and appreciates the Working Group’s ongoing dedication in promoting the sharing of diverse works and resources, by amplifying underrepresented voices, narratives, and agendas.
A growing library of references recommended by staff and students across the Bartlett
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