Negar Taatizadeh & Kaye Song

The Fyfield School of Land

The Fyfield School of Land is a project that is the outcome of a year of collaboration between Kaye Song and Negar Taatizadeh.

System of collaboration Prototype Model (Photo credit: N. Taatizadeh & K. Song, 2021)

The project advocates for a re-engagement with our land

Comprising of three terms of work, first finding each other as new collaborators, designing a system of collaboration, and culminating in a proposal for a system of redeveloping farmland in England as a sustainable, equitable, and pedagogical landscape. By looking to a history of digging, the project advocates for a re-engagement with our land and uses a piece of existing farmland in Wiltshire with a 6,000 year history of cultivation as a test site for building a campus for hands-on learning. Buildings are proposed that can support this, utilising a method of construction that harvests and processes material directly quarried or grown on-site. They promote a low-energy and sustainable architecture that exists in harmony with its environment, connected to and part of a changing landscape that helps to shape. Here, digging is advocated as a right only if undertaken mindfully with consideration of surrounding impacts.

Though the project is a joint submission, each building may be read individually whilst also together forming one cohesive system of thought and infrastructure. Though strained by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a collaboration that attests to necessities of physical spaces for working together, and for flexible frameworks to accommodate multiple ways
of working and thinking.

Clay Model during the extraction process (Photo credit: N. Taatizadeh & K. Song, 2021)

Collaborative drawing of site, Shifting landscape (Photo credit: N. Taatizadeh & K. Song, 2021)


Name Negar Taatizadeh & Kaye Song
Role Students
Programme (and Unit) MArch PG U17
Department The Bartlett School of Architecture


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